S. Amir Kohan

Category Human Resources Organization

How are Labor Union Organizations Structured?

Labor unions can be divided into three levels: Local Unions National or Internation unions. The business representative performs a critical role in contract negotiations, grievance proceedings, and managing union headquarters. The union steward represents member interests and relations with a…

What is attrition?

Attrition or restrictive hiring is the act of reducing the workforce by not replacing individuals who leave an organization. Only essential positions are filled. Attrition is used to avoid layoffs. A hard freeze means that all open positions will remain…

Three stages of HR Planning

HR planning systems should support an organization’s business plan. Businesses must have a precise blend of knowledge, skills, and abilities among employees. HR Planning can be separated into three forecasting periods: Short-range planning involves projecting workforce staffing requirements. Middle-range planning…

Five Group Development Stages

The five stages of group development developed by Bruce Tuckman are: Forming: superficial introductions and determining boundaries of acceptable behavior. Storming: the team must work through conflicts related to authority, vision and values, personality, and cultural differences. Norming: greater cooperation…