S. Amir Kohan

Category Organization

Developing Employee Handbooks

Developing Employee Handbooks An employee handbook is a document that communicates organizational history, mission, values, policies, procedures, and benefits. It should contain information about all the “way we do things around here” and why we do them that way. The…

Developing Workplace Policies

“A policy is a broad statement that reflects an organization’s philosophy, objectives, or standards concerning a particular set of management or employee activities. Policies reflect the employer’s employee relations strategy. They are general in nature and are expressed through more…

Developing the HR Strategy

HR needs to develop a strategy that is aligned with the capabilities needed to implement the organization’s overall strategy. Becker, Huselid, and Beatty wrote in The Differentiated Workforce that HR must shift its focus from employees to one strategy, and…

Measuring HR Metrics

Metrics There are many different metrics to select from, and the formulas can vary. It’s important to use a consistent formula when benchmarking HR practices. Here are the typical metrics used for measuring the HR value: • Absence rate •…

What Are the Seven Types of Organizational Structures?

There are seven types of organizational structures. • Departmental • Chain of command • Span of control • Work specialization • Formalized • Centralized or decentralized • Matrix Departmental. This is where tasks are divided into separate duties, grouping people…

Expanded HR Accountability

The future for HR includes increased accountability for workforce productivity, performance, collaboration, innovation, and culture. In the future, new core HR competencies would emerge requiring strong technical, analytical, and creative skills. • HR would replace its one-size-fits-all policy focus with…

What is the Role of HR Professionals?

The strategic role of HR professionals is to strengthen the relationship between the employees and the employer. The Evolving Role of HR Professionals The role of human resources has evolved over the years, probably more so than any other department…