S. Amir Kohan

Category Leadership

Skinner’s Operant Conditioning

  B.F. Skinner concluded that motivation is based on extrinsic factors such as reward and punishment. Employers can influence behavior through positive reinforcement or negative reinforcemen, which results in employees acting in certain ways to receive prizes or to avoid…

Herzberger’s Motivator Hygiene Theory

Herzberger’s Motivator Hygiene Theory Herzberger said an employee’s motivation is affected by both hygiene factors and motivators.   Hygiee factors: are extrinsic and include salary, benefits, and work environment. Motivators are intrinsic and include growth and recognition. Herzberger discovered that…

Characteristics of a Transformational Leadership

Characteristics of a Transformational Leadership include: Charismatic: gains buy-in for the vision and mission, earns respect and trust, and enstills pride. Inspirational: communicates heightened performance expectations and encourages big-picture thinkin. Intellectual stimulating: promotes learing and development. Individualized consideration: coaches followers,…

Attributes of Transformational Leadership

Attributes of Transformational leadership involve championing a shared vision with employees. Leaders inspires awareness of and dedication to the group’s mission. Followers are empowered by facts, resources, and support so that they can approacch work in a committed, concerned, and…

Four Elements of People Management

Four Elements of People Management Directing involves limited flexibility for the employee and is characterized by defnining, planning, teaching, and monitoring. Coaching involves supportive direction characterized by raise, encouragement, prioritizinf, and feedback. Supporting invovlves even less specific direction and is…