S. Amir Kohan

Category Labor Unions

A Typical Collective Bargaining Process

Collective bargaining is generally conducted through a trade union. Employees will pay the trade union a relatively small fee each month to be a member. In return, the trade union hires have a negotiating team to bargain on the employees…

Types of Collective Bargaining

When looking at the types of collective bargaining, it is important to distinguish it between a collective agreement. There are also different types of collective agreements, but these refer to the outcome of collective bargaining. For instance, there are single…

Conflict Resolution

Conflict-Resolution Techniques. Some amount of conflict will always be present in the workplace. The fact that it exists is not necessarily an unhealthy thing. When it is resolved quickly and effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth. In…

Disciplining Employees

The progressive discipline model is one that has been used in American workplaces for more than a century. It is written into many, if not most, union contracts as a requirement to assure management treats its members appropriately when problems…