S. Amir Kohan

What are the Role of Value in Strategy?

The basic premise of strategic planning and management is to lead activities that yield great value. Understanding how an organization creates value with its mission is the first step. By value we are not talking about cultural values; we are…

What is the Role of HR in Strategy?

With HR, the operational level is going to be the main focus. HR’s policies, programs, and processes will need to correlate, collaborate, and align with the organization’s business units. HR’s resources will need to be spent on activities that add…

How Many Levels are there for Strategy?

There are three levels of strategy. • Organizational level This level involves a general vision of the future, typically what the organization plans to grow into, as an umbrella over the entire organization. • Business unit level This level focuses…

What are the Benefits of Strategy?

The benefits of the strategy are helping everyone in the organization focus on the future with a written plan that contains goals to further the organization’s existence. From top to rank and file, strategy provides a map that gives direction…

What Is Strategy?

Strategy is the planning of long-range goals and actions to attain those goals. Initiatives, objectives, and tactics are outlined in detail for each specific function in the organization and coordinated over a defined period of time. The strategy will look…

The Homeland Security Act (2002)

This Cabinet-level organization (Department of Homeland Security) was created by Congress and President George W. Bush to consolidate security efforts related to protecting U.S. geography. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is a part of this department. The E-Verify system resides…

The Privacy Act (1974)

This law provides that government agencies must make known to the public their data collection and storage activities and must provide copies of pertinent records to the individual citizen when requested—with some specific exemptions. Those exemptions include law enforcement, congressional…

The USA PATRIOT Act (2001)

The USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act) was passed immediately following September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City and at the Pentagon in Virginia. It gives…

EB-Employment–Based Visas

There are five levels of employment-based visas. They are prioritized so that once the first-level immigrant applicants are processed, the next level of priority will be considered. That will continue until the maximum allotment of visas is reached. In recent…

S. Amir Kohan

Certified Human Resources Expert

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